Monday, June 24, 2013

Parent's 36'th Anniversary

So I know it's been more than a week since my last post, I'm a horrible blogger, but I promise it's been for a good reason. First my lovely kitty that I've had for 17 years had to be put down, she had cancer in her jaw, and she couldn't eat and was in a lot of pain and there wasn't anything they could do to treat her. It was very sad, I stayed with her till the end though, I was a wreck too and I nearly had the vet crying as well. That was 2 days before my best friends wedding.... not fun. Spent the next two days surrounded by happy busy people setting up the alter, and arch, and reception hall trying not to break down, but in retrospect I think that helped. Gave me something to distract myself, and it was a super fun time so I think in the end it helped easy the pain. Laughter is the best medicine they say. It was a lovely ceremony too, and Ashley (one my best friends ever) looked amazing in her dress, with her hair all done up in curls, it was lovely. We're still waiting to see the pictures from the photographer so if you guys would like I'll post some of them. Personally I can't wait to see the one where me and the other two bridesmaids picked up the groom! The photographer did a picture of the groomsmen holding him up, and then one of them holding the bride, and we decided we're strong tough girls, lets pick up the groom! The first time we nearly dropped him on his head, but the second time it worked, I'd love to see the pictures from both tries though, haha!

Anyways, onto the reason for this post! Today is my parents 36'th anniversary, and I surprised them with a little set up. Don't get me wrong, this was in no way planned. I was wrapping their presents for each other (somehow I always end up doing this like every holiday) and my presents for both of them; when in the bottom of the supply box I saw some purple and white streamers. Then some purple and gold bags, and I was like hmm.... betchya I could set something up. So I pilfered through my craft stuff, found some purple and gold mardi gra beads, scrap book paper, star puncher, and some silver and gold sharpies and gel pens. Then it hit me, I'm going to streamer the crap out of the kitchen, and make a sign out of this scrap book paper, and put little stars everywhere!
Looks pretty cute right? There's little swirlys on the paper, the bags are all matchy, there's streamers (not pictured) it's great! They'll be so surprised right? Now it's about 2 am at this point and satisfied with my work I went to bed. Then I got up in the morning after they had both gone to work, the presents were opened but the sign was still laying out. So I stopped to admire my handy work again when I noticed..... I spelled anniversary wrong!!! It was one of those face palm shake your head kind of moments. I was mortified, I mean I'm a 23 year old college graduate and I can't spell?! But it turned out ok, my mother was beside herself she thought it was so funny. So shes writing something on the back of the sign like: My lovely 23 year old college girl, surprised with decorations, but she can't spell!  And she's packing it away somewhere to lord over my head at some point or something like that, ha ha. Anyways, here's another pic so you can see the card a little better.
And here's another of just the card.....
All's I can say is, it was with the best of intentions! It does look pretty though, no? My dad was like, how did you draw that? Was it a stencil. I was like, no dad that was me. I've only been drawing and writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil, I think I can manage to draw a few well placed swirls. So aside from the spelling, they liked the surprise a lot. I got my mom a $25 gift card for Wal~Mart since she doesn't get to shop for herself much anymore, and I got my dad a $25 gift card for Lonestar Steak House because like every man (except maybe vegetarians) he LOVES steak! And that was my anniversary surprise, what do you guys think? Have you ever surprised anyone or set up some sort of special display on a big day? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear any stories you guys have about how you surprised someone, or if you tried to with the best of intentions like me. 

And till next time peace out and stay awesome!

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